See this?

Look closely.

Because hidden in this colorful mosaic…

Made up of over seven million pieces…

… is a discovery that sent shockwaves through every single God fearing Christian around the world.

It was found not far from the shores of the Sea of Galilee…

Buried deep within the ruins of an ancient church.

It would take 80 years…

150 tons of sand...

And dozens of people to uncover the true story behind this famous work of art.

And even though it was hidden away nearly 1500 years ago…

Thousands of people flood the small town where faith, love, and hope created a miracle for all the world to see.

But believe it or not…

There’s another image hidden inside this wondrous mosaic.

One maverick doctor is convinced it holds the key to finally getting the slender, fit body you deserve.

And I’ll share it with you today in this astonishing presentation.

You’re about to see how you can drop stubborn fat from your thighs, hips, stomach and waist…

Kill cravings…

End emotional eating…

Reduce hunger…

… and stop the never-ending cycle of failed diets.

Imagine how you’ll feel when you finally have the body you deserve.

No more buying shapeless, out-of-style clothing that doesn’t fit.

Instead, you’ll be able to dump all of your “fat clothes” in the trash…

Head to your favorite store…

And buy clothing you actually like.

And can you imagine how amazing it’ll feel to eat out with your friends whenever you want?

Instead of scoping out the menu to see if there’s anything halfway decent…

You’ll be able to indulge in all your favorite foods…

Even the gooey, chocolatey, sinfully delicious ones.

Oh, and the gym?


Let me just put it this way.

I hope all those toned dudebros and dudettes don’t break their necks when you walk in.

Because they’ll get the shock of their lives when you saunter in your exercise clothes looking fit, healthy and years younger than you really are.

I gotta be honest with you.

Life is completely different when your whole world doesn’t revolve around food.

You’ll be more confident…


… and courageous.

But best of all…

You’ll live life fearlessly, with the joy and excitement that come from loving yourself for the incredible person that you truly are.

So if you’re ready to look and feel better than you’ve ever felt before, then hang tight.

Because in the next seven minutes, I’ll show you exactly how, thanks to this ancient fruit, you’ll be able to …

Melt stubborn fat…

Eliminate fatigue…

Feel more energized…

Move easier…

Sleep better…

Breathe deeper…

… and enjoy a healthier, happier, fitter you.

Best of all, the secret I’m going to share with you is completely natural.

There are no expensive drugs, dangerous surgeries, or impossible-to-follow diets.

It’s a secret Big Food and Big Pharma don’t want you to know about, and sadly…

So stay tuned.

Because this might be your only chance to hear about this astonishing discovery…

… one that could change your life forever.

Hi, I’m Dr. Holly Lucille, and I’m a licensed naturopathic physician.

And even though I’ve been on national programs like The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors…

And I’ve been featured on Time Magazine’s ALT list as one of the top 100 influential people in the world…

Since childhood, I’ve been passionate about helping people transform their lives by living a healthy lifestyle.

As the daughter of two pharmacists, I grew up with the mantra that there’s a pill for almost every sickness.

But even as a child, I was troubled by this approach to health.

I always wanted to know “WHY?”

I would ask question after question hoping things would make more sense to me.

It got to the point where my parents wondered if they’d taken home the wrong baby from the hospital!

I’ve never stopped questioning the status quo…

… which is why it’s so important for me to share the TRUTH about how to lose weight.

Look, I’m deeply disturbed by what I see going on in the dieting world right now.

First of all, there are some outrageous claims out there that not only don’t work… but they’re downright dangerous!

There are people drinking urine to lose weight… swallowing tapeworms, or wearing crazy blue sunglasses to make their food look unappealing.

There’s even a plastic patch you can sew on your tongue that makes eating solid food horribly painful.

Okay, so maybe you’d never do that…

But what about all the other diets out there?

There’s the carnivore diet where you can only eat animal products.

And the vegan diet where you can only eat plants.

You’ve got the high-carb, low-fat…

Low-carb, high-fat…

And the no-carb, no-fat diet.

If one of those doesn’t work for you, you can always try the 16/8 method…

The eat-stop-eat method…

The 5:2 method…

Or go whole hog and do the Warrior Diet.


There are even the “location diets”: the Hilton Head Diet, the South Beach Diet, The Hollywood Diet, the Scarsdale Diet, and finally, the Mediterranean Diet.

Do you see why it’s gotten out of hand?

No wonder so many people are struggling to lose weight and keep it off.

It’s impossible to know what to do.

That’s why if you’ve been doing everything right…

Cutting calories, exercising, weighing everything you eat…

And you’re STILL not losing the weight…

Then I want you to stay with me for the next few minutes.

Because I’ve come across some startling new research that proves without one key nutrient in your body, it’s going to be very difficult, if not impossible, to lose weight.

And that’s a shame.

Because there’s so much discrimination and judgment when you’re overweight.

You know, I wish people realized losing weight has nothing to do with willpower or control.

Because the facts are that what you eat, how much you eat… all that has a much smaller role in weight loss than many people imagine.

I started to understand this whole issue more when I got older and realized I had put on some weight…

And I realized the methods I’d used to lose weight when I was younger weren’t working anymore.

It used to be I could just eat less, exercise a bit more, and the weight just melted off.

But then I noticed I was gaining weight and I had no idea why.

So I decided to dig deeper.

And I’m so thankful I did.

Because I uncovered something that left me shocked and disturbed.

It turns out that 90% of people actually get heavier while dieting.

In fact, studies show diets are actually the best predictor of whether or not you’ll GAIN weight.

And even though being thinner is supposed to make you healthier, people who diet are actually MORE at risk for cardiovascular and other diseases.

And to top it off…

Only 5% of people who lose weight actually keep it off.

None of this made any sense.

As best as I could tell…

It seemed like once you’re overweight, you’re pretty much doomed to stay that way.

Well, that didn’t sit right with me.

I decided to make it my mission to find a solution.

But after reading hundreds of studies…

Dozens of books….

And numerous conversations with colleagues…

I still hadn’t figured it out.

In fact, I was even more frustrated and disgusted than before.

No matter where I looked, all I found were experts, gurus, and fly-by-night doctors who insisted that losing weight was simple.

All you have to do is eat less, and exercise more.

It even has a nickname - CICO. Calories In, Calories Out.

Everyone and their cousin insists it’s a basic law of thermodynamics.

You can eat nothing but bacon-wrapped sticks of butter, topped with chocolate-covered Fruit Loops.

As long as you eat fewer calories than you use up, you’ll lose weight.

It seems like case closed…

Until you dig a little deeper.

It turns out that scientists have known for decades that this is absolutely wrong.

There are hundreds of studies that show losing weight is much more complicated.

There are numerous other factors that regulate fat loss, appetite, and energy use.

Your body is not a machine.

It’s so complicated that we still haven’t figured everything out.

But there’s one thing we do know, and that is while your body has a lot of nifty parts…

… it’s your brain that’s in charge.

And believe it or not, very little of our brain is under our conscious control.

Actually, just 5% of the decisions we make are conscious.

The rest of the time… our brain makes the decisions for us.

Now as scary as that may seem, that makes a LOT of sense.

We wouldn’t last long if we had to consciously remember to breathe, talk, or walk.

The same goes for our weight.

Your brain has its own idea of what you should weigh, and it does what it needs to do to keep it that way.

According to a study in the Journal of Endocrine Practice, this is called your “set point.”

You can go higher or lower than your body’s set point by around 10-15 pounds - for example, by exercising more…

… but it’s much, much harder to go out of that range.

And if your body sees things are changing, and that your weight isn’t stable…

… your brain will adjust your appetite, activity level, and metabolism to try and get your weight back to where it was.

The easiest way to understand it is to think of your body as a thermostat.

A thermostat keeps the temperature in your house the same, no matter what the weather’s like outside.

But practically…

If for some reason it gets too hot inside, you can try and change the temperature by opening a window…

… but that won’t change the actual setting on the thermostat.

So the minute you open the window, the thermostat will kick back on again.

Your brain works exactly the same way.

You see, your body is designed to protect you from starvation at all costs.

So if you go past the weight your body thinks you should be..

… your brain will act as if you are starving.

It doesn’t matter if you started out fat or thin.

Your brain will grab hold of the reins, and do everything it can to get things back on track.

It’ll release hormones that will make you absolutely ravenous, in an attempt to force you to eat.

It will slow down your metabolism, by as much as 400 calories, so you use less energy.

And it’ll hold tight to every single ounce of fat on your body.

That’s why set points can go up, but almost never go down.

It’s your body’s last-ditch effort to keep you alive.

Believe it or not…

It can take as long as seven years for your brain to stop “resetting” your body back to the weight it thinks you should be.

When I discovered all of this…

I realized two things.

First of all, it’s actually amazing that anyone manages to lose weight at all!

And second, I realized that if I wanted to help people lose weight and keep it off…

… I had to find a way to reset the brain-body thermostat.

I knew that if I could do that, I could almost guarantee people would never have to worry about gaining weight again.

So my team and I got back to work.

I combed through every article, study, and case study I could find.

I even dug through a special database just for researchers.

I was almost ready to give up, when I came across a startling study.

And once I realized what it proved…

… I was absolutely furious.

Because it turns out that in addition to your brain, there’s one specific part of your body that’s like the “master key” to losing weight.

In fact, it’s so powerful that scientists actually call it your “second brain.”

And believe it or not…

It quietly controls nearly every process in your body.

It’s revolutionizing medicine’s understanding of the link between digestion, mood, health… even the way you think.

And the secret to losing weight easily and keeping it off…

Without dangerous medicines, crazy diets, starving yourself, or exercising yourself to death…

Is within what I call this “master key” to weight loss.

You see, when it comes to your weight…

Your gut plays an essential role.

It releases appetite-suppressing proteins so you stay full after you eat.

It produces vitamins that help fight infection.

It can even change how fast your metabolism is, and how you store fat in your body.

But that’s not all.

It can also affect your blood sugar levels, cholesterol numbers, cardiovascular system, immune system, and more.

It does it through trillions of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that live in your intestine.

Together, they make up what scientists call your “gut microbiome.”

It all comes down to having the right balance of helpful bacteria in your gut.

But here’s the problem.

Over time, the daily job of breaking down your food, absorbing nutrients, and getting rid of waste wears out your gut.

So every five to seven days, special cells called intestinal stem cells, completely replace your intestinal lining.

Unfortunately, antibiotics… illness… toxins… overly-processed foods… can wreak havoc on your gut…

… wiping out your stem cells…

… and making it almost impossible for your gut to repair itself.

When that happens, critical nutrients your body needs aren’t absorbed, and you have less of the “feel full” hormones in your body.

Your metabolism slows down, and your body holds onto fat instead of burning it.

At the same time, the wear and tear on your gut also causes cracks and holes in your intestinal wall.

This leads to bacteria and toxins leaking into your bloodstream, causing inflammation.

Doctors call it “leaky gut,” and not only does that upset your stomach, but it can also increase your risk of arthritis, asthma, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even cancer.

It’s clear that the wrong kind of bacteria…

Or not enough of the right kind…

Make it much harder to lose weight AND affect your health.

After digging into all of the research, I realized that if I could help people restore the balance of bacteria in their gut…

…. losing weight would be much easier.

You’d never have to deal with the uncontrollable cravings…

The constant ups and downs of hormone hell…

Or the merry go round of diets that never work.

But there was one BIG problem.

Because while mainstream medicine says probiotics is the perfect way to balance your gut…

When I dug deeper into the research, I realized that adding more of the good bacteria to your gut isn’t enough.

And here’s why.

If you recall, earlier I mentioned that your intestinal stem cells help repair your gut lining.

They’re an essential part of not only repairing the cracks and holes in your gut…

… but also in sending out the chemicals that tell your body how hungry you are, and how much energy it should use.

However, as you age, your body makes fewer intestinal stem cells.

If you add probiotics without replenishing your intestinal stem cells, then you’re going to have a harder time repairing your leaky gut.

You’re also going to be missing the critical hormones your body needs to control your appetite…

Boost your metabolism…

… and rev up your energy.

It’s a lot like trying to pour water into a bucket full of holes.

It just can’t be done.

That means you’ll be hungrier…

Your body will use less calories…

You’ll crave more junk food…

And your body will hold onto more fat.

It’s also harder to lose weight through exercise.

That’s because exercising increases the amount of energy your body needs.

Instead of your body pulling the energy it needs from the fat already on your body, it will think you need more calories.

That’s why you can feel ravenous after even a mild workout.

All of these factors can make it extremely difficult for you to lose fat, and keep it off.

So if you really want to repair your gut, it’s essential that you also help your body replenish your intestinal stem cells too.

When you do that, you’ll be able to balance your gut..

Electrify your metabolism…

Supercharge your immune system…

And watch as the pounds melt effortlessly off your body.


It wasn’t long until I stumbled onto a study that mentioned a surprising substance.

It’s all thanks to an exotic fruit grown in a tiny village called Arzana.

You see, though they were invaded by the Phoenicians…

Conquered by the Romans…

And exploited by countless other nations…

… these hardy folk still live as their ancestors did thousands of years ago.

From sunup to sundown, these simple people till the rocky earth…

Tend their sheep…

And make their own wine.

And even though they live far off the beaten path…

Hike miles of mountain roads every day…

And drink tumblers of wine morning, noon, and night…

These pious folk are as strong, fit and healthy as people half their age.

But the people of Sardinia aren’t the only ones enjoying the benefits of this exotic fruit.

For thousands of years, this exotic fruit has been the symbol of rebirth, fertility, and eternal life.

Thousands of years ago, the people of the Bible called it a milgrom.

… and now dozens of studies prove this elixir of youth excels at helping you create new stem cells.

One study in Nature Communication proved milgrom extract can strengthen your gut barrier…

Help your gut absorb more nutrients..

And help prevent toxins from getting into your body.

Another study showed that milgrom extract not only helps your body make more “good” bacteria, but it even destroys harmful bacteria.

And thanks to its remarkable ability to energize your mitochondria…

… yet another study recommends it as a promising “anti-aging strategy.”


There are dozens of studies proving milgrom extract can kickstart your body’s own “intestinal stem factory”...

… tricking your body into flooding your gut with all the intestinal stem cells it needs.

And since intestinal stem cells are exactly what you need to repair your gut lining and balance your gut…

Milgrom extract is the perfect way to…

  • Incinerate stubborn fat
  • Amplify your energy
  • Ease aches and pains
  • Rekindle your sex drive

… and much more.

So how does milgrom extract achieve such impressive results?

It’s simple.

Milgrom extract has high levels of ellagic acid.

Ellagic acid breaks down in your body to Urolithin A, or UroA.

UroA unlocks your body’s natural healing potential by clearing out old stem cells, and triggering the growth of new ones.

Think of it as “spring cleaning”... for your gut.

This helps repair the holes and cracks in your gut and balance your gut bacteria.

Even more importantly…

It ensures you have all the proteins and enzymes you need to eat mindfully, stay full longer, and stop uncontrollable cravings.

There’s no question that once you give your gut the life-giving bacteria your body needs…

You could look and feel decades younger.

Can you imagine showing off your flat stomach…

Toned legs…

And slim arms?

Oh, and I should warn you.

You’re going to need a LOT more room in your closet.

Because once you get the slimmer, stronger body you deserve…

… you’re going to need it.

With everything UroA can do…

It’s no wonder people are so excited about this revolutionary new method.

That’s why when I heard about the amazing properties of milgrom extract, I couldn’t wait.

I decided it HAD to be the star ingredient.

Just listen to the extraordinary results people have been sharing

Look, getting the body you’ve always dreamed of isn’t just a pipe dream.

You can transform your body and be leaner, stronger, and more active then you’ve been in years.

But once you start working with your body instead of against it, you won’t just look better.

You’ll feel better too.

Your knees, hips, and back could stop aching…

Your skin may clear up…

And that bloated, sluggish feeling could just melt away.

Can you imagine how much more energy you’d have?

Because instead of tossing and turning all night…

Trying to breathe…

You’d sleep like a baby.

And what if instead of cringing every time you see yourself in the mirror…

Or hating yourself because you haven’t been able to sit down and wipe for decades….

You woke up every morning loving every single part of your body.

And just wait till all those food fanatics see you.

Because they’ll be the ones watching enviously while you eat the richest, most decadent dessert you can find.

Oh, and don’t forget to cancel your frequent flier’s card at the doctor’s office.

Because you’ll never have to sit through another lecture about how you need to eat healthy and exercise.

You’ll be able to rest easy, knowing you’ve done everything you can to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

But even though being happier with how you look is important…

… this isn’t just about being thinner.

It’s about feeling good about yourself too.

You’ll know you’re beautiful, brave, and worthy of love.

You’ll feel the joy, peace, and comfort of knowing your true beauty is within you…

Just waiting for you to find the courage, compassion, and conviction to be your authentic self.

And once that happens…

You can’t help but be surrounded by a community of people who love, celebrate, and encourage you to be your best self.

The truth is, it’s time to stop sacrificing your health, sanity, and relationships to get your weight under control.

If you want to get rid of stubborn fat… jumpstart your metabolism… maximize your energy… recharge your immune system… and look and feel better than you have in years…

With zero side effects…

Then Metabolic Greens+ is for you.

It’s specially designed to help you balance your microbiome, and transform your body into a thinner, healthier you.

No doubt about it.

Everyone is talking about the astonishing changes they’ve been seeing.

Remember, a leaky gut can stop your body from making the chemicals it needs to eliminate cravings…

Control your appetite…

Optimize your metabolism…

…  and amp up your energy.

Just imagine getting the healthy body you deserve, and finally being able to…

Head to the beach with your friends…

Treat yourself to a pedicure…

Join a dance class…

Or play hide-and seek with your grandkids.


Trying to lose weight is like having a full-time job.

If you’re ready to free up your mind, body and purpose to a life that fills you with purpose and positivity…

… then Metabolic Greens+ are for you.

But there’s just one thing you should know.

There’s no question milgrom extract is incredibly powerful.

And if you really want to transform your body…

… then it’s the perfect choice.

But after I discovered the real reason for weight gain and how the body works…

And after listening to so many people share with me their deepest worries, hopes, and fears…

I decided to make Metabolic Greens+ even better.

I knew it might make the difference between living a life full of shame, pain, and loss…

… and one where you love and are loved.

That’s why I dug back in, and found more than 34 body-healing ingredients proven to help you look and feel your best.

You see, years of fighting your weight leave your body overstressed and overworked.

It also puts you at risk for conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, and more.

That’s why even though losing weight will help you look and feel better…

… it’s just the first step to leading a healthy, happy life.

If you truly want to transform your body, you need to look as good on the inside as you do on the outside.

That’s why I’ve created five specially-curated blends of health-boosting superfoods that work together to help your body:

  • maintain balanced energy
  • support healthy immunity
  • improve digestion
  • stabilize blood sugar

… and enhance your overall well-being.

Each unique blend contains a medley of superfoods that can help repair, revitalize, and rejuvenate your body.

First up is the Probiotic Blend.

You may not know it…

But just like plaque can build up on your teeth…

“Digestive plaque” can build up in your intestines too.

You see, the more sugar you eat, the more bacteria accumulates in your gut.

That can cover your intestines in a nasty layer of bacteria and fungi that poison your body.

By adding healthy bacteria, you not only help rebalance your gut, but you also make it easier for your body to get rid of digestive plaque.

This all-star team of more than 10 healthy bacteria can help soothe your irritated gut and maintain a healthy balance of friendly organisms.

The next superstar combination is the Greens Blend.

It’s filled with seven different powerhouse ingredients that will help you skyrocket your energy and metabolism.

Rich with all-natural foods like wheatgrass, barley, spirulina, and alfalfa, this blend will flood your cells with an avalanche of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

We’ve also included another ingredient proven to help you accelerate your metabolism, burn fat, and ease cravings.

This miracle food not only has dozens of vitamins and minerals, but it also contains sulforaphane.

Studies show it not only helps detoxify your body, but incredibly, it may even help you burn fat faster, shed pounds, and speed up your metabolism.

It turns out sulforaphane is like adding high-powered fuel to your cells.

It could help curb your appetite, burn more fat, speed up your metabolism, and lower your cholesterol level.

When that happens, could you lose weight faster, but you could lower your chance of cardiovascular disease too.

While that’s pretty amazing, I knew that we weren’t done yet.

So many people told me how they just couldn’t stand another day of crippling pain in their back, knees, and legs.

Others told me stories of catching every little cold that came around.

And still more people told me they didn’t want to die young like their loved ones.

That’s when I knew I had to come up with a compound that would not only help you feel better, but would support healthy immune function too.

It’s called Reds Blend, and it packs a powerful punch when it comes to your immune system.

You see, your fat cells don’t just store extra calories.

They also release what scientists call cytokines.

Not only does this cause inflammation, but it also stresses your body.

And as you might already know, never-ending inflammation is terrible for your body.

Studies show chronic inflammation plays a role in heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and more.

Fortunately, losing weight can help your body “shut off” your inflammation switch….

… decreasing inflammation, and strengthening your immune system.

That’s why our reds blend contains a powerful blend of 14 different immune system fortifiers.

With acai, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black currants, and beetroots, this mixture is a powerhouse of goodness. 

Each one is practically bursting with antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and enzymes that fight free radicals and support your immune system.

Now for most people three different ingredients would be enough.

But I knew we could do even better.

That’s why I sent my researchers back to the books.

Luckily, they found two more body-sculpting blends guaranteed to help you look your best.

The first is our metabolic blend.

You see, scientists have known for years that cutting back on calories can be beneficial to your health.

There are dozens of studies proving that people who lowered the amount of calories they ate lived longer, had a healthier vascular system, and stable cholesterol levels.

They were even able to think more clearly, focus more, and their mood was better.

It’s all thanks to an astounding compound that scientists are now calling “the fountain of youth.”

They’re called “sirtuins,” and it turns out that calorie restriction increases the amount of sirtuins in your body

The great thing is…

You don’t have to fast in order to take advantage of these amazing proteins.

That’s why we’ve included what we call “sirtfoods.”

These are foods proven to increase the amount of sirtuin in your body - without fasting, cutting calories, or missing out on your favorite foods.

In fact, one famous female vocalist, who just released another number one album, lost a ton of weight by focusing on sirtfoods.

Studies show they may help you burn more fat, and may even discourage your body from creating more fat tissue.

And once your metabolism is raring to go, it’s almost impossible not to get slender, fit, and healthy.

The last superfood blend is called enzyme support.

If you’ve ever suffered from bloating, gas, diarrhea, or horribly smelly stools…

… then you’ll know right away why this one is so important.

You see, digestive enzymes help your body break down food so your body can absorb it better.

But that’s not all they do.

According to recent research, digestive enzymes can also help your body process and absorb fats.

Which means you could get rid of those annoying love handles…

Embarrassing muffin top…

And thunder thighs, without starving yourself, counting macronutrients, or

Imagine looking so good you can’t wait to see how you look in the mirror.

Not because you have the perfect body…

.. but because you’ve stepped into the most radiant, bold, and powerful version of yourself there is.

What’s more, you’ll be confident that your body is just as healthy on the inside as it looks on the outside.

With the Bible-based milgrom extract to reset your gut…

A probiotic blend to balance your microbiome…

The greens blend to boost your energy and electrify your metabolism…

A reds blend to fortify your immune system…

The metabolic blend to rapidly burn fat…

And an enzymatic blend to support healthy digestion…

… this phenomenal mixture of 34 ingredients is chock full of all the nutrients your body needs to look and feel your best.

Thanks to Metabolic Greens+, no matter how much you weigh right now, you could enjoy a slimmer, healthier you for years to come.

I know that was a lot of science to take in.

And I’d like to thank you for staying with me so far.

Because deep down, I honestly believe every single person has the right to have a healthy body that not only looks good… but makes them feel good too.

It may sound corny, but I honestly believe everyone has a right to live a healthy, happy life… in a body they feel proud of.

And frankly, after over 20 years as a naturopath, I’ve had enough of seeing people taken advantage of… when there’s a safe, effective, natural solution that works.

But there’s one thing you should know.

It’s super important to me that you get the best results you possibly can.

That’s why I’ve hired a special team whose only job is to make sure you get the safest, most effective ingredients out there.

We spend months researching ingredients, and then several more months testing each one out…

… just to make sure you get the very best.

That’s why I’m proud of everything we’ve accomplished with Metabolic Greens+.

I’m confident that once you try it, you’ll open yourself up to a level of power, clarity, and love that you’ve never seen before.

Imagine owning every part of your beautiful, healthy body without guilt, fear, or hiding your true self.


Toxins, viruses, and just plain age wear down your gut.

When that happens, your microbiome can’t create the chemicals your body needs to control your appetite, stoke your metabolism, and rev up your energy.

But once you revitalize your gut and balance your microbiome…

You could burn fat faster…

Feel fuller…

… and get the slim, fit physique you deserve.

Metabolic Greens+ may help you:

  • reset your gut
  • strengthen your immune system
  • energize your metabolism

… and optimize your digestion.

Now after hearing everything that Metabolic Greens+ does, I know you’ll want to get hold of it as soon as you can.

I’d love to give you the link to the order page right away…

… but before I do that, I need you to let you know something very important.

Metabolic Greens+ isn’t for everyone.

There’s no question that it’s helped hundreds of people to transform their bodies and feel happier, healthier, and more confident than they have in years.

But there’s just one problem.

Even though Metabolic Greens+ is made right here in the USA, our ingredients come from all over the world.

We do that so you get the purest, highest-quality ingredients there are.

But right now, there’s a severe supply chain crisis going on throughout the world.

There are still ships waiting offshore to dock…

Hundreds of containers piled up waiting to be unpacked…

And not nearly enough truck drivers to drive goods around the country.

That’s why I want to make sure that whoever wants Metabolic Greens+ has a chance to get it.

So if you can answer “yes” to two important questions, I’ll share with you the details on how you can reserve your own supply.


Are you ready to see life-changing results?

Some people notice a difference in the first week or two.

You might have more energy…

Feel more satisfied…

Or notice your stomach feels more settled after meals.

But you’ll get the best results when you take Metabolic Greens+ for the long-term.

Based on studies and what customers tell us, it might take up to two months to see dramatic changes.

So if you want to see true, long-lasting transformation…

… then you need to commit to taking one scoop of Metabolic Greens+ a day, every day.

If you can’t do that, then please save Metabolic Greens+ for someone who is determined to change their life.

My second question is…

Are you ready to transform your life with a serious (but simple) lifestyle change?

I’ve seen how Metabolic Greens+ has changed the lives of so many people.

And if you’re willing to stick with it…

You’ll see dramatic results.

To be honest, there’s something about stepping out of the body you once hated…

… and learning to deeply love and respect the new person you’ve become.

To live your life with joy, laughter, and grace…

And connect with others with heart, compassion, and faith.

When that happens… It’s almost magical.

I firmly believe that everyone has a right to live the healthiest, happiest, most fulfilling life possible.

And I want you to have the chance to do that.

That’s why I strongly suggest you order at least a three month supply of Metabolic Greens+.

Of course, if you’d like to share your journey with a friend or loved one…

Or just want to make sure you never run out…

Then you can order a six month supply too.


It’s clear you’re ready to change your life for the better, and get the slender, healthy body you deserve.

And I know you can’t wait to get started.

On the other hand…

I also know that for many people, times are hard.

Some people are living on a fixed income.

Others are helping loved ones who’ve lost their jobs.

And some of you are having a hard time making ends meet, no matter how hard you work.

I don’t want to be the person who stands between you and a whole new life.

That’s why if you’ve answered “yes” to those two questions I asked you earlier…

Then I’d like to offer you a special discount.

The truth is, we do everything we can to make sure you get the highest and purest forms of every ingredient.

Even if we have to search around the world.

On top of that, our raw ingredients must have a certificate of analysis for potency and purity.

We even do special tests during the manufacturing process to make sure every product is pure and potent before it reaches your hands.

We don’t use any antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives.

And of course, Metabolic Greens+ is GMP-certified.

But before I do, I wanted to just let you know that we’ve made it our mission to impact at least one million people through our company.

That may seem like an impossible number…

But I strongly believe it’s our duty to leave this world a better place than it was when we joined it.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Vitamin Angels.

Through them, we’re able to help underserved women and children get the vitamins they need to stay strong and healthy.

Thankfully, this past year we were able to help over 320,000 women and children get a chance for a healthy, productive life.

I truly want to make a difference in the world…

… but honestly, it all starts with you.

It’s time for your hopes and dreams…

… the ones you’d never thought would see the light of day…

… to be made real.

That’s why I’m offering Metabolic Greens+ at just $49 a bottle.

That’s just $1.63 a day - less than a diet soda.

That’s more than 60% off the regular price!

Now while that’s a pretty steep discount…

… the more bottles you buy, the bigger discount we can give you, which is just a $1.10 a day.

Listen, only you can decide how valuable health, energy, and vitality are to you.

But when you consider how much you’ve already spent on hopeless diets, doctors’ visits, and exercise equipment you’ll never use again…

Then it’s easy to see why this is a real bargain.

Plus, I’ll even send your order free to you anywhere in the U.S.

Choose the 6 Bottle Package for Your Biggest Discount Right Now (While Stocks Last)…

There’s one thing I should warn you about.

Metabolic Green isn’t sold in stores.

We want to make sure you get the best quality product, at the best price, which is why we made the decision to only sell Metabolic Greens online.

So if you want to get your own supply, I strongly suggest you order now, before we run out.

Can you imagine deciding to wait to get your own container of Metabolic Greens+?

You’d open up the tab you so carefully saved…

Credit card in hand…

Only to see a big red “OUT OF STOCK” banner.

Here’s what to do so that doesn’t happen to you.

Right at the bottom of this video you’ll see a button

Click it, and you’ll be taken to the order page.

Once you choose the package that’s right for you, you’ll be taken straight to a secure order page.

It’ll take just a minute or so to fill in all your details, and then the team at PureHealth Research will start processing your order.

If you’re like most people, you won’t be able to wait to try it out.

It’s pretty simple to get started. Just grab an eight-ounce cup of water, juice, or even a shake… and mix in one cup.

It won’t take long to mix…

But once it does, you won’t be able to stop yourself from drinking it right down to the last drop.

Now I can’t promise you’ll see a difference right away.

But many of our customers tell us they feel a surge of energy flow through their body.

Regardless, you’ll know that you’ve begun the first step towards a whole new life and you’ll feel good about yourself too.

One where you finally feel confident enough to ditch the pity parade, own your worth, and be the brilliant, beautiful, superstar you’re meant to be.

Oh and just one last thing.

I’ve decided to include two special bonuses when you buy your supply of Metabolic Greens today.

The first is called 25 Secrets Of Naturally Thin People.

If you’ve ever wondered how thin people stay that way no matter what they eat, then this is the book for you.

You’ll discover habits you can adopt that will not only help you stay thin, but will help you be healthy too.

You’ll love the one on page 6.

It’s a method that the Japanese have used for thousands of years to eat deliciously decadent food… without gaining a single pound.

Thin people seem to do this naturally… but now you can use this same strategy to have your cake and eat it too.

Oh, and just wait ‘till you see page 10.

If you’ve ever seen a four-star chef at work, then you already know how well this works.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to be Gordon Ramsay to make this work for you.

Because in three seconds or less, you can use the exact same method to end emotional eating and enjoy eating whatever tickles your fancy.

And then there’s the one on page 24.

This nursery school trick works wonders to help you lose weight even faster.

Surprisingly, the vast majority of people do this wrong…

…  but once you learn how to do it the right way, you’ll not only lose more weight, but you’ll have more energy, think more clearly, and reduce your chance of chronic disease.

But that’s not all.

There are 22 more practical tips you can use right away to overcome challenges, reset your mindset, and feel confident about reaching your weight loss goals.

Oh, and I can’t wait until you see your second bonus.

If you’ve ever wished you could take a nap in the afternoon…

Or simply fall into a food coma after dinner…

Then this one is right up your alley.

That’s because you’ll get to try out seven different tips you can use to stay full of energy all day long.

Take the one on page 15.

Statistics show 75% suffer from a condition that can be fixed in less than 10 seconds.

If you're constantly feeling sluggish and tired despite getting a good night's sleep, then this simple change to your daily routine can make a huge difference.

Next there’s the tip on page 17.

It turns out people have been using this method for thousands of years to heal others.

Now you can use it to reduce stress, and enjoy a sense of calm, peace and balance that lasts for days.

These bonuses sell for $39.95 each, but if you order now, I’ll include them free when you complete your order today.

But before you get your supply of Metabolic Greens+…

I want to make sure you feel completely comfortable with your decision.

That’s why we’re offering you our 365-day, “Down to the Last Drop” guarantee.

Here’s how it works.

You’ll reset your gut, balance your metabolism, and shed pounds… no ifs, ands, or buts about it!

But you don’t have to decide right away.

Feel free to use up the entire container - you’ll still be protected by our guarantee.

You must be absolutely, without a doubt convinced that Metabolic Greens works for you, or you get your money back in full.

Just return the unused portion within 1 year of purchase, and we’ll give you back your money in full.

Plus, you get to keep all of your free gifts, even if you decide to return Metabolic Greens+.

It’s my way of saying thanks for giving Metabolic Greens+ a try.

Now you’ve seen why having a balanced gut is the best way to lose weight for once and all.

And you’ve seen how regular people are using Metabolic Greens+ to live healthier, happier lives.

The question is, what will you do now?

You could sit back and let “nature” take its course…

And watch helplessly while your body slowly falls apart…

And your youth and self-esteem slip away.


You can claim your power…

… open yourself to becoming the strong, wise, fierce woman you truly are.

All you have to do is decide to try out Metabolic Greens+

You won’t hate yourself every time you look in the mirror…

Be forced to wear old, ugly clothing…

Or miss out on having fun with your grandkids.

Instead, you’ll be slimmer, fitter, and healthier…

Ready to live a longer, happier life.

Click the button below to get started.

Remember, there’s no telling how long this will be in stock.

I don’t want to see you without the one thing you need to make a huge difference in your life.

So don’t wait - click the button below to get started.